Manufacturing for a Sustainable Future

Sustainable Process:

  • Recognize the importance of sustainable raw materials and optimizing production processes
  • Proprietary highly efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes in six state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities

Resource Optimization:

  • Optimize consumption of natural resources in our production
  • The most upcycled, earth-friendly materials and compounds used in the industry

Product Quality:

  • Continue develop high-performance conveyor belts requiring few plies utilizing less materials
  • Lighter and more energy efficient products that last longer and are more sustainable
Sustainable conveyor belts industry

Environmental Targets

Ambition Metric Goal
Reduce our CO2 emissions CO2 emissions 50%
by 2030
Improve the energy efficiency of our products Energy efficiency
of our products
by 2030
Set the global standard for the environmental footprint of manufacturing facilities Environmental footprint
of facilities
1/3 reduction
by 2030
Ensure that the materials used in our products are renewable or recyclable Renewable or recyclable
materials used
40% by 2030
100% by 2050
Use only deforestation-free natural rubber volumes Deforestation-free
natural rubber
by 2030

We recognize the importance of focusing our sustainability commitment into every aspect of our company


  • Engaged employees with strong values
  • Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Care and consideration for our customers and their values
  • Commitment to our communities
  • Respect for all human rights
people icon

Source: Respect for people, a fundamental Michelin value


  • Recognizing our processes' impact on the planet
  • Responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint
  • Actively reducing energy and water consumption
  • Minimizing waste production
  • Support ESG standards through our practices
  • Following the United Nations' 17 Goals
  • Producing products for local markets to minimize transportation and CO2 emissions
planet icon


  • Solutions focused on delivery long-lasting performance and market leadership
  • A vibrant source of innovation and leadership in sustainable belt production
  • Strengthen profitability and growth through continuous, step-by-step improvements for people and the environment
profit icon
People Planet Profit logo

Group’s Rating

The scores attributed by the non-financial rating agencies in 2023 attest to the Group’s performance:

Sustainalytics logo MSCI Logo CDP logo Ecovadis logo ISS ESG logo
  • Low Risk Sustainalitics (ESG risk rating)

    Improvement in the overall rating and therefore in the level of risk, from 12.2 to 11.52 with a LOW RISK profile, ranking the Group ninth in the global auto components industry;


    Our Group (Michelin) maintained its AAA rating, the highest on MSCI’s ESG rating scale. The rating confirms the Group’s position as industry leader in addressing the full range of environmental, social and governance issues;

  • A- and B CDP

    Independent non-financial rating organization CDP has ranked our Group ( Michelin) among the companies demonstrating exceptional leadership in tackling the challenges of climate change and water security, awarding the Group, based on its questionnaire answers, scores of A- in Climate Change and B in Water Security. Our Group (Michelin) has also responded to the CDP Forests questionnaire since 2021 (CDP does not assign a rating for natural rubber);

  • 78/100 ECOVADIS

    Our Group (Michelin) improved its score by one point vs. 2022, to 78/100, and retained its Platinum Medal rating for its CSR commitment and leadership (awarded to the top 1% of rated companies);

  • B- ISS ESG

    The B- rating and PRIME status have been retained, keeping our Group's ranked in the top decile across all the rated industries;

The Life Cycle
of a Conveyor Belt

  • Design & Raw Materials

    In Fenner Dunlop, we have a proud history of world-leading innovation, both in terms of product performance and human and environmental safety. Every raw material and chemical component we use is not only top quality but also responsibly sourced, internationally regulated and therefore as safe and environmentally sustainable as possible.

  • Manufacturing

    We are dedicated to minimizing environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint. Central to this is optimising energy efficiency by replacing outdated machinery, building new, more efficient production lines, reducing and repurposing waste within our processes, further reducing water consumption and implementing increasingly stringent management of chemical substances.

  • Use of Products and Services

    Our commercial and environmental strategy is based on manufacturing conveyor belts that provide a considerably longer working life and therefore much less frequent replacement. This means far fewer replacement belts need to be manufactured in the first place, with a corresponding reduction in the amount of rubber, the chemicals and additives needed to make it and the huge amounts of the inner, non-biodegradable synthetic fabrics that the rubber protects.

  • End of Life

    As leading advocates of regulations that control the use of potentially hazardous chemicals, including substances of very high concern (SVHC’s) and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are of enormous benefit to our pursuit of improved ‘end-of-life’ solutions. For example, it enables the reuse of existing materials in applications such as rubberized asphalt, playground surfaces, and other products.
    While solutions like energy recovery offer advantages such as waste reduction, they also have drawbacks, including higher emissions and material loss. Therefore, at Fenner, we are focusing on reducing waste through improved design, increased recycling, and finding alternative uses for end-of-life conveyor belting. We believe that one day, conveyor belts will be fully recyclable. Here at Fenner Dunlop, we are doing all we can to make that dream a reality.

The life cycle of conveyor belt diagram

Diversity Targets

  • A company that allows diversity to flourish in all its forms (*IMDI)

    by 2023


    by 2030


    *IMDI, a composite indicator tracking inclusion and diversity)

  • Percentage of women in management and supervisory positions

    by 2023


    by 2030


Other Business Targets

  • Employee and contractor health and safety /Engagement rate*

    by 2023


    by 2030


    *IMDI, a composite indicator tracking inclusion and diversity)

  • A company where everyone feels physically safe at work / TCIR**

    by 2023


    by 2030


    **Total Case Incident Rate

UN Flag

United Nations 17 Standards in
Sustainability Development

sustainable development goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an urgent call for action by all countries. Our Group uses these standards to gauge our success in climate impacts, resource use, and biodiversity. We engage our employees and customers to use resources efficiently while preserving them for future generations. These goals aim to end poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth, tackle climate change, and preserve oceans and forests.